Birth & Beyond Education
We created Birth & Beyond Education with the intent of helping birthers and their partners not only find the beauty of birth but also help them navigate pregnancy and postpartum.
Birth & Beyond Doulas
Birth & Beyond Doulas are specifically trained in supporting you during your birth and beyond with evidence based knowledge and care.
Every Certified Birth & Beyond Doula has attended extensive training with Birth & Beyond Resources.
Birth & Beyond Membership
Sign up for our Business, Non Profit, or Village Membership to enjoy perks and bonuses all year round!
Business Members have the option of becoming Preferred Providers and get highlighted through Birth and Beyond Resources.
Village Members get special discounts through the birthing community.
Student's Corner
Are you enrolled in one of our virtual courses? This is your one stop to access the courses you are enrolled in!
Birth & Beyond Virtual
Find out why people are raving about these courses! Enroll today: