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Bring MamaMoon to your Area!

Are you interested in being part of something that has proven to change the postpartum experience for new mamas? You can be the lead that ignites this beautiful program in your very own community.


The beginning of starting a chapter starts with ONE person... YOU! If you are interested in bringing the change to your town, read on for how to launch a chapter.

Launch a New MamaMoon Chapter

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1 - Find a Co-Leader

  • Launching a new chapter can be labor intensive if you're doing it on your own.
  • Find someone in your community who is as passionate about supporting women in their postpartum period. 
  • Once you've found someone, connect with us for an interview and overview of the program.

2 - Launch a Hiring Campaign

  • Share the hiring campaign in local social media groups and within your community.
  • Interview interested applicants via zoom in the weeks leading up to launch. (Each interview is 1/2 hour)
  • Use tools such as Gmail, Calendly, Doodle, and Project Broadcast. (Training is provided!)
  • Seek out references and verify responses.
  • Share the training link with your team and follow up as needed.

3 - Organize a Fundraiser

  • Two dozen care packages are needed at launch.
  • Partner with local businesses for donations.
    • Local businesses that donate for 24 care packages can share their business cards in the package.
  • Fundraisers can be set up through our FaceBook page and items can be ordered and shipped directly to you.
    • All of the funds raised in your community STAYS in your community!
  • A list of items that are used often for our care packages are found here.

4 - Compile Resources

  • Once you start your visits in your area, you will find it imperative to have a list of resources at your fingertips to give new mothers that will help them get what they need.
  • Some examples are lactation professionals, doulas, therapists, chiropractors, etc.
  • Consider starting a local Birth & Beyond Resources FaceBook group for your area. Headquarters can assist in building this with you, but be patient! Building this kind of group takes time!
  • Submit compiled resources to headquarters for compilation. We can furnish a simple webpage for you to share with your community.
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5 - Launch the Program

  • The fun begins! Get MamaMoon out there to your community. 
  • Post on social media, share with local providers, visit local hospitals and hand out in postpartum units. Wherever a pregnant woman goes, get the word there!
  • Ask your volunteers to share with their circle as well. 
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6 - Set up Visits

  • When a new sign up comes through, create a profile and doodle schedule, and text it out to your team.
  • Encourage your team to sign up for all of the times that they are available.
  • Once you have two volunteers signed up for one time frame, close out the visit and connect the volunteer team with each other. 
  • Give the team the rest of the mother's information, such as her address and phone number, reminding them of the code of ethics and contacting the recipient.

7 - Day of Visit

  • Keep in contact with your team on the day of the visit, and make sure you are available for questions and concerns. 
  • Ensure volunteers fill out the visit recap within 48 hours.
  • Communicate with headquarters if there are any escalated concerns.

8 - Follow Up

  • Set a reminder to connect with the visit recipient within 2 weeks of the MamaMoon for a follow up.
  • Choose the volunteers that did the initial visit or complete the follow up yourself. The form for this follow up conversation is on our leader page.