Sensational Development OT PLLC
💜 Preferred Provider 💜
Business Information:
P: 5167992900
E: Sara@sensationaldevelopment.com
A: 669 Broadway Massapequa
We caught up with Sara and asked her some questions about what makes her so successful.
🌺What inspired you to start this business?
🌸 I've always loved working with families, children of all abilities. I am passionate about educating and empowering caregivers to facilitate their child's ability to maximize their potential.
🌺How long have you been in this business?
🌸 11 years
🌺List all of the services you offer:
🌸Occupational Therapy
🌺What keeps you going every day?
🌸 the kids and their families for sure. and mine.
🌺Out of all of the services that you offer, what would you say is your specialty?
🌸 sensory integration
🌺What is your favorite part of your practice?
🌸 the interaction with families, children's laughter and engagement, the celebrations when they achieve a goal, it's all so rewarding.
🌺What is the best compliment you received about your business?
🌸 That we changed the life of not only a child, but the family as a whole. that we gave them the tools needed to engage in daily life again.
🌺What is one thing you would like us to know about your business?
🌸 We are here to help, we individually tailor our interventions to help each child and their situation. We look at the whole child and give our all for each of you
🌺What makes your business unique?
🌸 We are a family centered, family owned and operated, therapy practice. We specialize in sensory integration and greatly value family participation and education
Thank you Sara Lynn for sharing with us and giving us a peek into the incredible work you do for the community!