Meet Karianne Chapman
Hi! I'm Karianne, I live in Riverhead, I'm a wife of 12 years, a girl mom x3 (Cadence 9, Lianna 6, Tori 1) I am also a certified wellness coach. (I need to make it clear that I do not look like this picture on a daily basis I just really like it. lol)
I used to do many things before becoming a stay-at-home-mom/wellness coach. I attempted college but I didn't know what I wanted to be so after running out of money for classes, I got married. At the time I was a waitress and office manager. Immediately before having our oldest I was an optical technician.
I've always wanted to work with animals. I've fostered dogs, and adopted many cats. I'm definitely more of a cat person, but dogs definitely have their place in my heart.
Like I said I have three amazing daughters; Cadence, Lianna, and Tori. I did lose a baby before Cadence, I was about 3 months along. It took until I was pregnant with Lianna to realize I hadn't truly mourned the loss of our first baby. It's sad, but I'm glad I had the realization and gave it the attention it deserved.
I was finally and officially diagnosed with postpartum depression after our youngest was born. I say "finally and officially" because I know now looking back that it was just manifesting and festering inside me since my miscarriage only getting bigger with each pregnancy and birth after that. It changed me and I couldn't figure out why. I know now. Our oldest was an emergency c-section after 18 hours of labor, she was born blue/purple when and didn't cry for what seemed like 20 minutes, it was probably only 30 seconds. Our younger two were also c-sections because the first was an emergency. I asked every time after if I could have a vbac and was told I was not a candidate.
I breastfed all of them but for very different lengths of time. The longest was our youngest clocking in at a solid 13 months! Shortest was our second girl at 4 months, and she was combo fed with formula as well. Our oldest was breastfed and randomly given a bottle when I would freak out that I wasn't making enough milk, she was weaned at 9 months.
I sing, I love organzing events, I think I'm funny. (lol)
All things health and wellness. Some people enjoy reading for escape, I read for knowledge. I went on vacation recently with my best friend and she was reading her book as I was reading about blood panels. I'm a junky for health & wellness. That's a good thing in my line of work! One of my goals for 2019 is to become a doula.
Also, I love stand-up comedy and well written movies.
I decided to become a volunteer for MamaMoon because I want to help moms the way I wanted to be helped. I didn't even know something like MamaMoon was something I needed until I heard about it a few months ago. I look forward to helping in any capacity!